Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Here are our favorite DIY crafts and gifts that will let your sweetheart know you love them, without breaking the bank:
Bag Toppers
These are so simple and are great for saving money because you can use bulk candy. Even homemade treats are easily packaged and delivered. Package treats in a small plastic bag and seal the top. Using either construction paper or a free printable found online, write a note to your valentine. Then simply fold the paper over the seal of the bag and staple into place! Lollipops, chocolate kisses and Conversation Hearts are all great candies to use.
Foam or Felt Hearts
Most craft stores carry tons of different foam or felt shapes – and all at an inexpensive price tag. Load up on foam hearts and a big bag of foam stickers. Have your child peal and stick to their hearts content! They can write their name on the back if they get wild with stickers on the front. Skip writing out each recipients name so that your young one doesn’t have to struggle to figure out whose is whose.
Sweet Treats
If you want to really impress your sweetheart(s), there’s nothing like some homemade sweet treats to do the trick. We especially love any kind of chocolate bark because it’s easy to make and looks great too! Here’s the link to our favorite recipe.
Valentine Countdown
This one is for your kiddos! Cut out hearts from construction paper and write one thing you love about your child on each piece of paper. Each night leading up to Valentine’s Day, put a new heart on their bedroom door. Each morning when they wake up, they will have a new, positive and loving note to think about all day!